jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

ENGLISH 3ºprimaria - jueves 16 abril

Hello children!!!

Are you ready for your next English class?? Today, we are going to start listening to this song.

Yes! We use WAS or WERE to explain things that we did in the past (yesterday, last week, last year...). Look at this presentation: click here.

Open your pupil's book on page 77 and read  the conversation between Ravi and Lili. 

How many times did you see the words was or were? Read those sentences again. Now look at the grammar table to understand it better (Pupil's book page 77)

Practice now doing this interactive activities (click).

Now do activities 1 and 2 in your activity book, page 71.  Later, check your answers with your family.

 It is now time to PLAY!!! Click in the image below and...


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