viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020


Yeesss!!! Here you are some activities to develop your creativy and originality.

  • Watch this video to make PAPER MOVING FISH like these!!

  • Or maybe you prefer to make PAPER BIRDS, watch this video to learn how to make them, so cute!!😊

  • This another idea is very nice because you can reuse the bottle caps. Have a look these ideas but you can create your own.



  • Using newspapers, magazines or advertising brochures, you can create your own masterpiece

  • Summer is coming!! Have a look these ideas, delicious ice creams, Mmmm!!


Choose two of these ideas and make them using the material you have at home, when you finish your amazing masterpieces, please, send us both photos.📷

Deadline: until the 12th of June📅

You have enough time, so TRY YOUR BEST!!!😉

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