martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

SCIENCES 3º primaria - martes 19


Good morning everyone!!! Today in our sciences class we are going to learn about nutrients in food. This means, we are going to study what each food gives to us. To start, you can listen to this song. Let's see if you can find the names of the groups of nutrients. 😉

Now you can watch this video where I explain a little bit more about nutrients in food. 

You can revise it by reading the information in your book (Natural sciences-module 2- pages 20 and 21). If you are using blinklearning, you will find it in Natural science- Diet, digestion and excretion - The nutrients in food)

Let's now do some activities. Go to LIVEWORKSHEETS and do the new page (number 4) in your natural sciences notebook "Diet, digestion and excretion".

Finally, it's time to play. Today you have to make a delicious pizza!! Click on the image to see more!

                                                      HAVE FUN!!! :) 

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