lunes, 18 de enero de 2021


Good morning guys!!!! 

Today we will have science homework, last week we left you some introductory videos to the subject, in them you could see how to have a healthy lifestyle and the different groups of food based on their nutrients, well today we will work with the book. We want you to look at the picture on page 22 and try to list hoy many diseases or illnesses you can see. Once that is done and, in your NOTEBOOK, we will carry out exercise 3 on page 23, where you will have to match the symptoms with the corresponding illness.

Once the exercise is done you must go to page 24, there you will find the information of one of the videos from last week, read the page or listen to it (If you have already accessed to the digital platform), it tells us about the food groups and healthy food. Once you have read (if you need to go back to the videos from last week do it) we will do in the NOTEBOOK exercise 4 on page 25, in which we must CREATE a healthy and balance menu for one day and compare it with what you ate yesterday to know if you ate healthy or unhealthy food.

You don´t need to send us anything we will check both exercises in school. We leave you here and extra activity that it is optional and also you don´t need to send us (click on the picture to do it). In case it doesn´t work here it is the link:

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