miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Read "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" online

Hello, dear friends of 4th and other grades!

I found a website that allows you to read stories in English. They haven't got illustrations, but maybe you can use your imaginations or draw your interpretation of what's going on in the story!

For example, you might like to read:
The Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl

The website suggests that maybe you don't already know these words that are in this story:
valley, nasty, dumplings, mean, dwarf, chin, underwater, doughnuts, shallow, beastly, temper, turkey, cider, crook.

You could look them up in a dictionary (online or in book form) or ask a teacher what they mean! (Please note that mean in the previous sentence means something different from the mean above-- that mean means unkind----- look! I've already told you one of them :) )

READ! (present tense-- go do it!)

A big hug from Miss Spivey 

Here is a video of someone reading along with the book, so you can treat it like an audiobook to accompany your reading with the webpage from above.


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