lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Hi class! In this unit we are studying amazing animals from Australia. Watch this video about Australian facts for kids and read about some fun facts. 

Fun Facts about Australia for Kids

  • 24,558260 people live in Australia (2017)
  • Canberra is the Capital City of Australia and has a population of just over 390,000
  • Sydney is the largest populated city in Australia with over 4.6 million, Melbourne is the second largest populated city with over 4.2 million
  • Australia has three times the amount of sheep than people
  • Apart from Antarctica, Australia is the driest continent on earth
  • The longest river in Australia is the Murray River (2508 km)
  • People in Australia speak English and native languages.
  • 100 percent of adults can read.
  • The Australian Box Jellyfish is one if not the most venomous marine animals in the world and causes more deaths than Crocodiles – Snakes or Sharks
  • A Kangaroo can leap over 9 meters in a single bound
  • Koala Bears sleep a lot, they sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. They eat Gum Leaves (Eucalyptus Leaves)
  • The Python is the largest snake in Australia but the Inland Taipan is the most venomous
  • Australia has more than 750,000 wild camels
  • Australia has 10 major deserts, Great Victoria is the largest (134,650 square) mile

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